Welcome to our safari website!

If you're starting your adventure from our beautiful villa in Diani Beach, we have two fantastic safari options for you to experience the breathtaking wildlife of Africa.

First, the Tsavo East National Park, which is easily accessible by car. This park is known for its impressive red elephants and diverse landscapes, ranging from vast savannas to rocky hills. A safari in Tsavo East offers you an authentic and unforgettable adventure without the long travel time.

Second, the world-famous Masai Mara, which is accessible by plane. Though more expensive, the Masai Mara offers a top-notch safari experience. Here, you can witness the Great Migration, majestic lion prides, and an incredible variety of wildlife. This classic safari destination promises unique moments and spectacular animal sightings.

Willkommen auf unserer Safari-Website!

Wenn Sie von unserer wunderschönen Villa in Diani Beach aus starten möchten, haben wir zwei Safari-Optionen für Sie, um das atemberaubende Wildleben Afrikas zu erleben.

Erstens, der Tsavo Ost Nationalpark, der bequem mit dem Auto zu erreichen ist. Dieser Park ist bekannt für seine beeindruckenden Elefanten und die abwechslungsreiche Landschaft, die von weiten Savannen bis hin zu felsigen Hügeln reicht. Eine Safari im Tsavo Ost bietet Ihnen ein authentisches und unvergessliches Abenteuer, ohne die lange Anreisezeit.

Zweitens, die weltberühmte Masai Mara, die per Flugzeug erreichbar ist. Obwohl teurer, bietet die Masai Mara ein Safari-Erlebnis der Extraklasse. Hier können Sie die Große Migration, majestätische Löwenrudel und eine unglaubliche Vielfalt an Wildtieren beobachten. Diese klassische Safari-Destination verspricht Ihnen einmalige Momente und spektakuläre Tierbeobachtungen.

Tsavo East

In the wilderness stands the Tsavo national park which is also one of the oldest and largest national park in Kenya. This huge national reserve has a wide expanse which covers rocky landscapes, extinct volcanoes, and sparse grasslands.

The national park is segregated in two parts, named the Tsavo East National Park and Tsavo West National Park.

Best Time To Visit

Major Attractions

Must Experiences

Where To Stay & Eat

How To Reach

Picts of my neighbour Joris who always went there when he organized his kite trips to Diani:

Price: € 500.- and more per person

Masai Mara

One of the greatest wildlife reserves in Africa, the Masai Mara reserve is situated at the south-west of Kenya. Merged with the Serengeti National Park, this place is a home to around 95 species of mammals and 570 bird species, this place gives an incredible view of the wildlife which one cannot miss.

Best Time To Visit:

Major Attractions:

Must Experiences

Where To Stay & Eat

How To Reach

Price: € 1.200.- and more per person